Thursday, June 26, 2008


The nuge started kicking last night. Kari and I were enjoying a little tube when kari told me to rest my hand on her belly. Sure enough, the little sprout started kicking up a storm. After a couple of kicks, things started slowing down. Kari said she felt like the little girl was trying to move. Moments later the kicking stopped and the kid has moved down lower and settled down.

We'll see if she starts picking up the pace!

Monday, June 23, 2008

24 Weeks Update

Kari had her 24-week check up today. She got a chance to hear the baby's heartbeat again and apparently her little ticker is nice and strong. They also measured our little girl and everything appears to be on the up and up.

On the home front, Kari has started feeling the little one moving around in her belly. I haven't had the fortune of feeling any movement, but that should be happening pretty quickly.

Other notes
  • crib purchased (I have a task for this week)
  • bedding purchased
  • scored tons of clothes at the Laurelhurst garage sale
  • lots of stuffed toys are already in the nursery
  • few books rolling in.

It's a Girl

The post is a little late, but it turns out that the world will be blessed with a baby girl! We got a 85% confirmation that we will be adorning our nursery with pink. That 15% leaves me a little nervous, but Kari says she saw the same thing as the doc, so I'm going to just agree with them and prepare to welcome our little girl into the world.

The funny part of it, we had plenty of boy names to choose from, but very few girl names. It looks like it's time to hit the baby books!