This past Sunday we started to ride the yule tide. After sleeping in a bit we decided to head for the nearest tree lot. Having grown up in medford, our first instinct is to go to a u-cut, but the closest one is about 30 minutes away and I have no idea what the crowds are like during the second weekend in December. Therefore, I took the easy way out and opted for a tree lot. On our way, Kari pointed out that Fred Meyer has trees. Why not? Sure enough, they had great looking trees at a good price. We got a grand fir a little over seven feet tall, threw it on top of the subaru and headed home.
Kari and I pulled the xmas decorations out of the garage and while she sorted them, I attempted to mount the tree in a stand. Being the cheap-ass that I am, I puchased a plastic tree stand a few
years ago. When I attempted to lodge the tree in the base it cracked. Of course, I didnt realize this until I had the tree perfectly aligned up and down, side to side, and had it in the house, in the perfect spot. What's missing? Water. The second I added water to the base, it covered the floor. So, it was back to freddy's. This time however, I splurged on the $34 cast iron stand so I wouldn't have to go through that again.
Eventually i got the tree in the cast iron stand and got it in the house. We decorated the tree and set up the "It's a Wonderful Life" town of Bedford around the living room. When all was said and done we had a pretty good xmas room.