Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Head Slider

Janey's been taking advantage of her tummy time lately. Shockingly, she's showing signs of crawling. She's got the foot movement down and can push her self forward with just her legs, but she tends to do so on her forehead. It's pretty funny. She hasn't figured out how to use her arms yet, but we encourage her because it makes us laugh.

Also, in some sort of freak accident, she rolled over last night for the first time. While hanging out on her tummy, I had turned to watch some tube when I saw a quick movement out of the corner of my eye, and there she was on her back! We tried to get to replicate it, but no luck. It was a legit roll over though and we're marking it down in the baby book as such! However we recognize that it was likely an anomalous event

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She's and athlete before she can even sit up!
Go Janey! Love grammy